I have always been afraid to take medication. I have been like that all my life. Now I have Multiple Sclerosis, need I say more?
I was brave and took all the ABCR’s as well as IVIG, steroids. I was a good girl but hated the side effects as well as the needles. Lots of medication now; some for spasms, some for bladder, some for anxiety, vitamins, etc., I am so sick of it!
I just saw my neurologist a few weeks ago. I am getting worse, lots of lesions, hey I know it; I can feel it. After a lot of thought, I decided to be brave now. I need to put my big girl panties on and take medication. I will be taking Tecfidera. Ugh!
But I am taking it because I need to be as proactive, I need to grow up.
Seriously, I can deal with side effects; it is better than dealing with the things that may arise due to this illness that will be permanent and have already become part of my life.