is day 5 on the "full dose Tecfidera" (240mg so far) am having no side
effects and it's AWESOME (a little tired of peanut butter but LOVE not
losing my weekends. I can't wait to fully get over the Avonex withdrawal
and waking up)!
The numbness and pain my hands has
subsided quite a bit, my "migraine headache" this morning went away very
quickly and I THINK my memory is showing signs of improvement (feeling
"cautiously optimistic").
LESSON learned with Tecfidera (today is day 5): peanut butter is something I absolutely HAVE to eat with these pills. I had
butter last night instead. It didn't work like the PB does and man oh
man those "upper GI problems" were SO uncomfortable (nausea and belly
discomfort to the "nth degree" - I have learned my lesson)!